What A PS4 Store Setup Might Look Like

Yesterday we attended a fancy PS4 event in London, where Sony were showing off some of their upcoming next-gen games – we’ll have content from that up ASAP.

Also at the event was some examples of how in-store displays might look, the shot above, snapped by PSAccess, highlights Sony’s intended showcase for the console.

It’s impressive, and shows off the range of games, PlayStation Plus and some of the PS4’s key features, like “download and play”.


  1. Looks nice. Games shops nowadays should be more like this, or more like Apple stores. Lots of consoles for people to play on with the new games etc and a few paper coupons you take to the till to buy.
    Rows and rows of game boxes is an outdated structure

    • Before they went into administration I know Gamestation had these kinds of plans, I imagine this was the same for GAME stores also. Now over a year later and nothing… I hope they are just hoping out for the next gen.

  2. One of my day job clients is the HQ of Sony UK sales. I sold them loads of Cyan toners last week. This picture makes me happy in the pocket! :-)

    • Ha! Toner-whoring yourself out. Good man. :-)

    • Cyan shmyan! It’s PS2 Blue and nothing else! ;)

  3. I like the way they’ve put PS4 Killzone at the number 1 slot. Interestingly though they also have it loaded up at number 9.

    • Considering #3 is probably at eye level, Infamous Second Son has the best spot of the bunch. :P

    • It’s so us short-arses can reach it too! The display does look good though and it’s a very nice blue they’ve picked. It would be great to see Vitas in shops as demo units but they would get trashed so quickly.

  4. For me, the nicest thing is the way the Vitas are promoted and that you can see what you’re playing on the big screen. I have that right, yes? :-\ :-)

    • If you mean direct feed, then no. One is just showing the time and the other one is displaying the Tearaway logo while the TV probably runs a looped gameplay video of Tearaway.
      If you meant that the game loaded up on the Vita is the same that is being showcased on the big screen, then yes. :)

      It’s a lovely set up. I wish we stores like that.

  5. Looks like a Smurf has been gibbed

    Seriously though, nice clear display and loving the emphasis on Vita. I’d be impressed if they got this into store, but I can’t see it happening, wouldn’t give the display controllers 5 minutes in the average high street shop

  6. That looks nice.

    Also looks bigger than the two Gamestops I see regularly though.

  7. Sleek boutique!

  8. That’s a cool set up. I’d be happy to go there and browse for games any day.

  9. That looks quite snazzy, i don’t remember seeing anything quite as good as that for previous console launches.

  10. That display looks excellent. I’d love to see this type of display at my local GAME store but probably wishful thinking.

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