ASDA Cuts Wii U Price Again

Back in May, ASDA slashed the price of the Wii U by a whole £100, with other retailers following suit. Now once again you can get the Wii U Basic 8GB system for £149 or the Premium 32GB for £199, both of which are an absolute steal at that price since you’re getting the console as well as the expensive and well-built controller.

The Wii U hasn’t sold very well, being in the range of a few million rather than tens of millions as I’m sure Nintendo would have hoped, almost eight months after release.

Now is perhaps the best time to buy the system: the price cut is just in time for Pikmin 3’s release and there are a few months left before the big titles such as The Wind Waker remake, Super Mario 3D World and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze release.

It doesn’t help that games such as Aliens: Colonial Marines and Battlefield 3 haven’t seen the light of day on the console, with even the complete (and out on PC) Scribblenauts Unlimited having no signs of being released in Europe.

Source: MCV


  1. Stunning price. Bound to appeal to those for are sitting there wanting an X1 or PS4 but can’t really afford it.

  2. Buy a Wii for £199 for a catalogue of 100 or so games (many of which have been released on other systems) or buy a PS3 or Xbox 360 for £139 and a back catalogue of a couple of thousand games, most of which can be picked up dirt cheap.

    • Boils down to exclusives I guess. For me Nintendo exclusives will always have the edge over MS and Sony as they are simply a joy to play

      • Mario Kart is the best exclusive for me out of all exclusives on consoles.

    • This was me, I foolishly bought one at launch played the ‘few’ games I wanted sold it for a moderate loss and re-bought a PS3 slim…

  3. £149.99 for the black one by Christmas.

  4. The writing is on the wall for Nintendo’s Wii U

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