The Queen’s Wrath Event Is Now Live In Destiny

Bungie has confirmed that the Queen’s Wrath event has gone live for Destiny, bringing new missions and bounties that are being offered by the Queen’s Emissary to fight the enemies of the Reef. You’ll be able to activate these missions as soon as you next log on to Destiny, and this event will last until October 6th. Completing the missions and bounties will allow access to unique legendary and rare gear too, so if you’re trying to level up your character then they’ll be worth checking out.


This addition is part of Bungie’s plan to keep content fresh and keep players coming back for more. Earlier today Stefan’s review of Destiny went live, and it certainly seemed to have divided some of you. Whether or not you’re a fan of Destiny it’s good to see Bungie releasing new content so soon after release.

Source: Twitter


  1. I’m all over this like a cheap suit.Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Can someone explain what levelling up factions is all about?, I’m lvl 23 but haven’t got a clue about this. I’m wearing a class rag/skirt type thing which us meant to mean I’m levelling up a faction but no idea what this means. I see my vanguard rank going but no idea if the connection to factions

    The game is amazing but it’s bloody confusing. I’m probably just stupid though :(

    • If you’re levelling up a faction then you can eventually buy loot from them, as long as you’re the right rank.

  3. Those new bounties are quite fun. Are the bounties the same for everyone? Because I had to headshot 200 fallen with a weapon I don’t use. I think it was the scout rifle.

    Which is actually a neat little idea. Chuck some new bounties in and nudge you into trying new things.

    They’re also a nice mix of killing enemies, killing bosses and crucible fun. Although getting headshots in the crucible can be a bit more challenging. And nowhere near as fun as my warlock’s self-reviving grenade frenzy. (One of those can rack up 1000 points or more. Probably a lot more if you’re any good)

    • You got two different bounties confused there. It was get 200 headshot kills on fallen and kill 20 guardians in the crucible with scout rifle and hand cannon headshots.

      • You might be right there. There’s so many bounties changing every day, it gets confusing.

        They’re mostly quite fun though, forcing you to try all sorts of different things. The 30 melee kills one pops up a lot, which is lots of fun. The one for killing 3 players with a shotgun without reloading, 10 times, is less fun.

  4. I don’t think I got how Destiny works yet. The ‘event will last until October 6th’..? This means you don’t get the full game anymore if you buy Destiny later on..? Will you miss out on story-relevant content?

    • No, you get the full game, and all the story. The events are just bonus bits. Sort of a limited time free DLC type thing.

      It’ll disappear on the 6th and probably be replaced by something else. I wouldn’t want to bet on it not appearing again later though.

      It’s a common MMO thing. Special events that appear for a limited time. Or once a year at certain holidays.

      Actually, there’s a very good chance some of the special events will reappear. One of the crucible modes (salvage) is tied to a trophy, and it was only available the first weekend. A bounty for it keeps popping up as well, which is kind of annoying.

  5. Ok, thanks for clarifying. Am not usually playing MMOs, as they’re not my thing. Reminds me a little of good old Demon’s Souls, where I happened to play it during a ‘white world tendency’ event, which made things a little easier. But that was not different content, just the same content differently…

  6. I cant see where you go to get this?

    • The Tower, new area opened up in the rear-centre of the main plaza.

      • You get bounties from the regular bounty guy, and behind him the door has opened so that you can visit the emissary from the Queen at the back of it and buy some trinkets.

        To get the actual missions though, you need to first complete one of the bounties, and this gives you a mission that is accessible on the left of the map when in orbit and will reward you with a legendary bit of kit upon completion then disappear. One mission per bounty, five bounties per day.

      • I miss the days when games came with instruction manuals

      • Nice one Stefan, didn’t realised that’s how the queens missions worked

      • Are these missions available to everyone, or is it pretty much endgame stuff?

        The game didn’t really do a great job of explaining… Well, anything actually. Just a splash screen when getting in saying that they were available but nothing past that. Nada!

  7. “It’s good to see Bungie releasing new content so soon after release.”

    But its NOT new content! It’s just an invitation to yet more grinding over the same stuff we’ve already done a hundred times!

    New content my arse.

    • Agreed, was disappointed to find out it’s just one of the earlier missions at a high level. And dunno if it’s just me but it was rock hard (playing solo), tried it at level 24 and got well and truly murdered.

      • Oh, they’re very hard solo. Level 24, you stand absolutely zero chance. I tried solo at level 27 and also died, horribly.

        I tried the weekly nightfall strike solo too (need to kill 200 enemies there with a fusion rifle for the exotic bounty). That didn’t end well. Once you get into the restricted respawning area, it chucks lots of nasty enemies at you and you die. And ends the mission. No respawning allowed at all there. (Even if you weren’t solo, it could get tricky. You’d have to hope another team member could get to you in time. Or self-revive, but that’s going to be fun surrounded by enemies swarming all over your corpse)

      • Yeah it’s the same mission. But they’ve added so many modifiers to it that you have to approach it in a very different way to the base level version if you want to win.

        It provided me and my team with a nice little challenge. We had a lot of fun with it.

        I really don’t get the “it’s all the same” criticism. How many times have people played the same COD maps over and over and over? Across many iterations of the game via map packs as well. Yet no-one bats an eye at that. *shrug*

        (not trying to denigrate you specifically there P_H_I_L_L. Its a complaint I’ve seen crop up pretty much whenever Destiny is discussed ^_^ )

  8. The missions rewarded for clearing the bounties are repeatable, and the rewards are legendary armour pieces.

    Many of them I have found to be of limited use for my build. So I’ve been breaking them down into ascendant shards, which I do need to level up the armour pieces I do want to use…

    • Oh, is that where you get those shards from? I think I need quite a few of them to level up some gear.

      Yep, need 16 of them to fully upgrade my exotic chest. And spirit blooms, but they’re trivial to find.

      There’s a limit on how much exotic gear you can equip, isn’t there? Anyone know if that’s 1 weapon and 1 armour, or 1 piece in total? Not that it’s a problem until I finally do that exotic bounty. Evil nightfall strike.

      • 1 exotic weapon, and 1 exotic armour piece at a time.

        I got most of my shards/energy before this event by having 3 characters.

        The first time you get a gold rank in a public event every day, you get a package sent to the post master (like for when you gain cryptark lvls) this contains 2 marks (provided the character is over lvl18), 250 glimmer, exp, and one of either: a mote of light, strange coin, ascendant shard or energy.

        Not to mention there is a chance you will get a coin/mote/shard/energy as you complete the event.

        Being able to do this three times in a day and then sending the results to my main has meant I haven’t really had to struggle for materials yet.

        You only need to get the alts to the point cosmodrome patrol becomes available,. Then if you head over to “the cave” you can be pretty much guaranteed that there will be enough people there to complete the war sat event that occurs. But there is a schedule for public events out there on the internet if you don’t want to wait for that specific event.

      • But what’s really grinding my gears is that you CAN check you rep with the Queen faction via the companion app >.<

  9. Does anyone fancy teaming up to get some of the Queens missions done? I’m level 27,and struggling trying solo.
    I would have asked on the forums,but they don’t seem to be working.

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