Former Mass Effect Director Joins Microsoft Studios

Casey Hudson, who worked on Mass Effect and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, has joined Microsoft as a Creative Director where he will work on Microsoft HoloLens, amongst other projects.

“I feel that the work being done at Microsoft on mixed reality and holographic computing will have a tremendous impact on how all of us interact with technology in the coming years.” said Hudson. “It’s an honour to be able to join such an incredibly talented team, and to work on something that will fundamentally advance the role computers play in our daily lives.”

Hudson also indicates that he will be working on “innovative” new Xbox titles, with the aim of “helping them to find success through clear direction and creative vision.” Whether these titles will be solely for use with the HoloLens or more traditional means is yet to be revealed.

For now though, it seems like Hudson is completely focussed on HoloLens after experiencing some early demos. “These first experiences cemented my belief that holographic computing was where I needed to be. There’s no end to the potential of this technology, and I look forward to being able to influence the full-spectrum experience on HoloLens, from hardware to OS, to applications and games.”

Source: Xbox Wire