Third Update “Cagney” Details

Criterion keep on giving, like a broken Pez dispenser. Their third Burnout update, codenamed Cagney, is set to offer three new online Freeburn modes: Stunt Run, Road Rage and Marked Man, all selectable via the Easydrive menu.

Online Stunt Run

• This is 8-player simultaneous online Stunt Run – everyone competes for the highest score within the 2 minute time limit and you can play anywhere in Paradise City.
• An on-screen display shows all player scores, so you can easily see how you’re doing.
• Earn multipliers for taking each other out but you lose your combo score, if you’re taken down.
• Eliminated players are greyed out of the scoring area but can exact brutal revenge by chasing after players that have managed to keep their combos alive beyond the time-out.
• For the first time, you can drive alongside someone as they complete a billion score in Stunt Run – you can absolutely use this mode to try and show off to your friends.

Online Road Rage

• This is an 8-player online team event.
• At the start, everyone chooses their team (red or blue).
• One team of “runners” has to drive to a checkpoint then the finish – they can only see one checkpoint ahead.
• The other team has to take them down. These guys can see the checkpoint and finish and choose whether to wait and ambush in key locations, shortcut to the action if they get left behind or just follow the pack and cause chaos.

Online Marked Man

• We randomly choose a “Marked Man”.
• There’s an intense few moments, while all players wait for the selection to be made – you want to stay close to other players, so you can hit the Marked Man, as soon as he’s selected but far enough away that that you can run like hell if it’s you that’s the Marked Man.
• The target is selected and a 90 second timer starts – you get 1 point if you survive and 1 point if you take down the Marked Man. After 90 seconds a new Marked Man is selected at random.
• If you’re the Marked Man, you can’t see the attacking players on the map, your car is a little slower and you don’t get boost.
• The session usually consists of around 10-12 minutes of intense gameplay depending on the number of players involved.

Apparently there’s still plenty to come, with the developers aiming to support the game for the next twelve months transforming ‘the Burnout Paradise you know and love into the Burnout Paradise you only ever dreamed of!’ If you’re yet to buy Burnout, check out our review.