Dead Rising 2 Limb Lopping Trailer

We missed out on the first due to a distinct lack of support from Capcom in the PS3’s youth. But fickle Capcom, being lured by the fans decent console sales, decided that their best bet is now to cover all bases. Good news for us as you’ll see below.

At first I thought about checking every 1 and 0 on that Blu-Ray and if I’d seen even a hint of DLC on there I might have taken some kind of drastic letter writing action. But then I watch this trailer all the worries of the world melt away. It’s zombie killing time!

Not many games let you wield two chainsaws at once. Not many games let you wield two chainsaws at once taped to a motor cycle whilst driving through a crowd of zombies.

Bring it Capcom. Bring it.
