RedLynx Working On Trials HD DLC

The rather brilliant Trials HD saw a lot of playtime over the weekend at TSA Towers, with myself managing to demolish all the other TSA Staff’s rather weak attempts at Ski Jump and Hill Climb. Still, I’m rubbish at the main game, so it’s with delight that we can reveal developers RedLynx are working on even more bloody levels I’ll never get a Gold on. When asked about the prospect of DLC in an interview with Console Arcade, the Finnish team said that they are “working on it right now as we speak”, confirming with “there’s going to be DLC.”

Console Arcade asked whether there were any plans to port the game to other formats, such as the PS3. “At the moment, no,” they said. “We are still very much focusing on Trials HD and on the coming DLC. For Trials, XBLA has been an excellent fit. We’ve been really taken on how fluent the development has been for XBLA. The tools were in really good order, the Microsoft people truly were both gamers and experts in their own fields and they gave us excellent support for Trials HD. And of course Xbox Live at the same providers a big user base, so also commercial success is a very realistic possibility on Xbox Live.”