Analysts: Natal to sell at $85

Slow news day so let’s go and see what’s happening in the financial world with those ever so ‘reliable’ anaylsts. Today’s guests are Sarah Friar and Derek Bingham of Goldman Sachs and they have been gazing deep in to their crystal balls to predict Natal will retail at around $85 and will generate $1.7 billion of revenue for the 2010 fiscal year (which is July 2010-June 2011). According to their predictions, Natal will reach an attach ratio of 56%, in other words 56% of all Xbox users will buy the system. As a point of comparison, only 41% of Wii users own a Wii Fit.

Perhaps Ms Friar and Mr Bingham should take a look at today’s Lunchtime discussion and re-evaluate their forecasts. Comments by TSA members indicate although we’re interested, we’re not that interested.

“Xbox has been predominantly targeted towards a more hardcore gaming demographic, which is different from the family oriented approach of Wii and Wii Fit,” they write, adding that “Natal now adds a hook for the more casual gamer.”

Source: TechFlash