THQ CEO: No Core Audience On Wii

You might not know about de Blob. A THQ produced platform-puzzler developed by Blue Tongue Entertainment, the Katamari-with-colour-esque title was released nearly a year and a half ago on the Wii to quite favourable reviews (82% on Metacritic). Despite the critical acclaim de Blob garnered, however, and it almost feels like déjà vu saying this, commercially the game didn’t do that well. Accordingly, it appears that any future de Blob games will not be confined to the waggle-tastic halls of Nintendo’s console:

Speaking during an interview with IGN Wii, THQ CEO Brian Farrell explains the shift:

“I think more of the core-gaming audience is on 360 and PS3. I know Nintendo doesn’t like that message […] I’m a huge fan of Nintendo personally, but that’s just not where the audience is, or, the audience there is fairly limited.”

Somewhat harshly, considering he’s talking to a Wii publication, Farrell even prefers controlling de Blob the more traditional way. The publishing head-honcho continues:

de Blob started its life on Wii. We’ve not announced anything yet, but obviously with a great brand like that — people love that character — taking it to other platforms, the game mechanic can be done. Actually, I prefer it on a normal controller. We’ll be branching it out to other platforms — that’s a great brand to build.”

Guess that means this is one sequel that won’t necessarily be utilising Sony’s new Motion Controller.

Source: IGN Via Destructoid