The saucy yet ultimately educational sexual health game ‘Privates’ has been officially denied release on XBLA. Dan Marshall of Zombie Cow Studios said,
“The guys at Xbox have been amazing, they’ve been really supportive and helpful throughout, but ultimately have advised that the game wouldn’t pass the Indie Games Peer Review process, purely due to its inherently sexual nature. ”
Anyone wishing to play the game starrin tiny condom-hatted marines and spend a few hours invading someones unmentionables can get the PC version of the game (for free) from
It’s interesting that Microsoft seem to find a tongue in cheeky educational title offensive but are quite happy to sell Shank, a game in a similar cartoon style but with beheadings, attempted rape and gore.
Source: Zombie Cow
its political correctness gone wrong i tell you
does PSN not get it either
No, it was cancelled on the PSN before anything else!
Why can’t these developers just speak plainly. Xbox screwed them. They can’t release their game. Plain and simple.
Probably a bad choice of words, given the game we’re talking about.