New Dungeon Siege III Trailer Hits

The last Dungeon Siege III trailer had weird, freaky trees. This new one, below, though still heavy on back-story and concept art does at least proffer a few furtive glimpses of gameplay.

As reported earlier this month, Obsidian’s hack and slasher will be out in both Europe and North America at the end of May. As that’s a full two months after Dragon Age II, we’re thinking there might be enough room for two fantasy romps at the dragonfire-scorched table.

Source: YouTube


  1. I’m looking forward to this, definitely my cup of tea. Can’t see it getting higher than 7s or 8s in reviews but I enjoy dungeon crawlers.

    • “I enjoy dungeon crawlers” ooh er misses

  2. Meh, would rather wait for Dark Souls.

  3. I have fond memories of the original DS for the PC, starting out as a peasant farmer with a rusty axe.

    • Me too, really enjoyed that game actually.

  4. Can’t say I know a huge amount about this but everything I see and read interests me.

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