Killzone 3 PS3 Bundle Announced

Console bundles are all the rage these days. If you’re in the market for a new console of any kind, chances are if you stick it out long enough and look around thoroughly enough, you can find a bundle with at least one game included. If you’ve been holding out for a PS3 or are looking to upgrade to a slim, and Killzone 3 looks like it’s your type of game, then this newly announced bundle is likely the right choice for you. The bundle is just a standard PS3 Slim with a copy of Killzone 3 included at no additional price. To no surprise, it launches on February 22, the same day that Killzone 3 hits shelves.

It’s kind of late to be announcing this bundle and it’s a shame that it only appears to be for North American gamers. Personally, I would’ve loved to see them go the extra mile and craft an actual Killzone 3-themed console. If word hits that Sony is planning on launching this on the eastern side of the pond, we’ll be sure to let you know.

[Update] We just found out that there is a bundle available in EU via Not only that but the HDD inside is 160gb larger than the North American bundle and the copy of Killzone 3 included is actually the collector’s edition.

Source: US PlayStation Blog


  1. That’s a sweet looking box.

    I actually caught a TV ad for KZ3 earlier on C4 just after shameless finished.

  2. I’m sure theres a Killzone 3 bundle on Games website

  3. Pretty nice. I brought my PS3 in a Killzone 2 bundle.

  4. I presumed GAME would be doing this. Their PS3 LBP bundles also came with the Collector’s Edition of that too. Which was goo considering our store ran out of even pre-order copies of the game.

  5. So worthy of a PS3 bundle.
    Killzone 3, even in it’s beta stage, is sooo good.

  6. Please, Sony! Please make your bundles have something special/limited about them! A Helghast graphic on the top of machine, maybe a limited edition blue ISA controller or something. This just looks like Killzone 3 stuffed in a normal PS3 box. Limited Edition = more sales, myself included :)

  7. It would have been nice if that bundle included an extra controller and maybe even the jungle-green version :)

    I’m hoping to see a new slim version next year, I’m sure they can make a even smaller version in 2012.

  8. Would have been great if the actual console was themed. Would have sold a lot more.

    • i’m pretty sure they could do a simple paint job for all their major titles.

  9. Bundle should’ve been special decal ps3+special decal dual shock+sharpshooter+move+nav controller.

  10. Looks awesome :-)

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