New Shank 2 Gameplay Video Released

A new “uncut” gameplay video has been released for Shank 2. The original game was well known for being ever-so-slightly violent, and it seems that the sequel will in no way be a tamer experience.

So far the release date is listed as “2012”. I never got around to playing the first game, but Shank 2 certainly looks like something I’d enjoy, although I’m not too sure what that says about me.

Source: YouTube


  1. Ah… why is there a sequel the first looked pants. >.>

    • The first game had a great animated style to it.

      • Doesn’t really have the same impression of Arkys style (Blazblue, Guilty Gear etc etc)or even the brilliant Metal Slug.

        Different tastes I guess. :)

  2. I got the first in Humdle Indie Bundle 4#, I think. Neither my laptop or netbook run it though, which is disappointing, since my flatmate highly recommended it.

  3. I played the demo (of the original) and thoroughly enjoyed it though. But at the time people were saying it was far too short for what you paid so I gave it a miss. Maybe a better price-point on the PSN will do the sequel the world of good.

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