A screenshot posted on NeoGAF’s gaming boards could be our first glimpse at a new online mode for Uncharted: Golden Abyss.
The user who submitted the shot told that the game froze after displaying this image.
Back in January, Bend Studio revealed that multiplayer would eventually make its way to Golden Abyss, though promised it would be something “different.”
A collectible card game definitely fits the bill, the centre image depicting a number of stats (including health/damage counters) as well as a card-specific ability.
Source: NeoGAF
I’m intrigued.
Looks pretty cool…
Taylor Made
brings back my Yu-gi-oh days man kids now a days dunno true cartoons and game cards lol
Yu-gi-oh is proper!?
Okay, this sounds awesome. Would probably play it more than proper UC multiplayer on the go too.
Brilliant! Hope this is true!
Hell yes :) This’ll do until someone realizes Vita was made for a Magic The Gathering game.
Ah you’ve totally read my mind! Been thinking how great the MtG games would be on here. Really hope they make one :)
Had that come up for me was half expecting to collect more and be able to play a game. Didn’t know it was a glitch of sort.