Futurlab Tease PlayStation Mobile Game

The chaps at Futurlab have hinted at a new game for PlayStation Mobile.

They have tweeted the image above as an ‘annoying hint’, “Secret game *might* make your hands hurt,” add Futurlab.

We suspect that they are referring to the knife ‘game’ in the picture rather than they are creating a new Aliens title.

Either that or it’s a very saucy game based on what Drake is doing to Hudson.

Alex has been playing this for a while, apparently it’s pretty good.

Source: Twitter


  1. Heh. Clue: begins with an ‘F’…

  2. And it’s a launch game :)

  3. Just a question about these PS mobile games. Is it possible for devs to include buttons support for these games or are they touch only game?

    • Buttons, rear-touch-pad, anything is available to the devs.

  4. Hopefully it won’t be annoying as hell like the one in Rage.

  5. Well, that was certainly an annoying teaser. :)

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