Beyond Features Co-Op, Touch Screen Device Support

News coming out of Gamescom is that David Cage’s psychological thriller Beyond: Two Souls will feature two-player co-op multiplayer, and support iOS & Android based touch screen devices.

Speaking to Joystiq, Cage has discussed how the local multiplayer is to operate as a single screen-affair, with one person controlling Jodi Holmes, the game’s main protagonist, and the other in control of Aiden, the entity tethered to her entire existence. Control is then passed between players on-the-fly with a single button press, it has been revealed.

Cage also described how Beyond is to be playable via iOS and Android touchscreen devices – in a move to encourage the more casual gamer. Whilst still playable via a traditional DualShock, the dedicated “Beyond Touch” app, which is believed to be a buttonless affair – relying instead on gesture-based input – will suit players more comfortable on a smartphone, he said.

Beyond: Two Souls is due for release October 11th, exclusively on PlayStation 3.


  1. YES, I love co-op! Looking forward to this, could be the last game I buy on PS3 after GTA5.

    • Aye… even more interested in the bugger, now. If it’s done well, bring it on. If not, single player is still fine with me. :-)

  2. Quite rare to get local coop these days. Similarly to Youles this will be the last game I get for the PS3, after GTA V of course.

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