Survive On The Go As Don’t Starve: Giants Edition Comes To Vita September 3rd

Klei Entertainment has confirmed the release date of Don’t Starve: Giants Edition for Vita, with Europe getting the game on September 3rd while North America will receive it a day earlier on the 2nd. The price has been set at $14.99/€13.99 with the UK price likely to be similar to that of the European one. This version of Don’t Starve will include the Reign Of Giants DLC, which as new characters and environments.

Don’ Starve: Giants Edition does support cross-buy but won’t have cross-play, with this being down to the Vita code being different to the PS4 one so saves can’t transfer. Don’t Starve has proved to be a bit of a dividing title with the TSA community, with the WeView verdict really splitting opinions.

Source: PS Blog


  1. Has cross-buy, you lucky Plussers!

  2. I bloody love cross buy

  3. Out on the 3rd, already been a PS4 PS+ game, so likely to be next month’s vita + offering?

    Not sure how I feel about that, at least it’s not a lego game ;)

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