Here Are Your Art of Alien: Isolation Competition Winners

We love giving stuff away here at TSA. We love it even more when we can make you show us your talent or make us giggle. So, with that in mind, we’ve picked our winners for the Art of Alien: Isolation competition. We got a number of great entries and it was difficult to pick the one we thought was best but, ultimately, there can be only one winner and that winner is DeathByNumbers for his well drawn and – importantly – very scary stylised image.

Oh no, sorry, there can be more than one winner. I forgot, we’ve got three books to give away. So, here’s the entry that we thought was funniest, from bunimomike who also wins a copy of the book to study and help hone their artistic skills and hopefully their next drawing won’t be so filthy.

And finally, we’ve got the copy we reviewed that we also want to give away. This was perhaps the hardest of all to decide upon because we don’t like to disappoint anyone but, after much deliberation, we decided to give the copy that I’m lovingly caressing in the above video to this entry, from Kopstoff, which merged the realistic side of the competition with a bit of a giggle too.

Winners will be contacted via the email address they have listed in their TSA profiles and we’ll get the books out in the post this week. Thanks for taking part!


  1. YAY! Thanks again, TSA and congrats to the other two winners! :)
    Can’t wait!

    • Congratulations! Your entry was really, really good, I had a look at your website too there’s some great work on there. I was a bit worried as I only took about 10 minutes to draw mine, I had intended on drawing it properly but didn’t get the time lol

      Congratulations to bunimomike too for his filthy entry ;)

      • Ha! Filthy Entry.

      • thanks man! great you like it and my other works too :)
        i think you didn’t had to worry at all, since the idea for doing a negative-painting and switching the colours is really clever, plus its a great perspective too! think about it like this: if you had to use all that black to paint it, it wouldn’t have been possible in 10 minutes. ;)

  2. Congrats to the winners! Well deserved, some brilliant entries there. :o)

  3. Bloody awesome!! There was no way I had the talent to do anything good but my Mind o’ Smutâ„¢ can usually turn something innocent (albeit horror-based) into something Kenneth Williams would be proud of.

    Top efforts all ’round to be fair. Congratulations to DeathByNumbers. Also, begrudgingly to Kopstoff because he has talent. Meh. *folds arms* ;-)

    • Ooo, ooo… top timing! I’m a Halloween birthday chappie so the horror/scary book is very much welcome.

    • haha, thanks man! and ditto, because you also get a sealed book, mine had already been exposed to the whole world… meh. :D seriously: yours also made me giggle, the pose is just on-point! :)

      • I would pay a small fortune for some of Peter’s DNA. You lucky bugger. :D

      • haha, well – didn’t knew Peter’s DNA is that desired, maybe there happend some sneezing, or drooling (appropiate to the alien topic i guess)… increased collector’s value i guess. ;)

  4. Congrats to the winners, all three are excellent.

  5. Congrats guys, all of those are excellent! Any chance of a gallery of all entries so we can enjoy everyone’s efforts?

    Mike, you should be ashamed, but I’m guessing you’re not. Utter filth, but very funny :)

    • *laughs* Not a chance. Proud as a perfect penny. :)

  6. Congrats to the winners was a great comp. Was good fun and I may return to my drawings/sketches as I kinda missed it…. I blame Playstation trophies :P

  7. my book finally arrived today! thanks again for the opportunity, TSA! :)

    @bunimomike: no sneezing, no drooling – book is in excellent shape, damn! ;)

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