A few days back Square Enix’s French webstore put up a listing for Final Fantasy X & X-2 HD for the PS4, and today the publisher has confirmed that the collection will be released on the Sony’s console. This joins Final Fantasy VII which is also getting a port to PS4, rather than a full HD makeover, and all of these games are expected at some point in Spring 2015. Cost wise FFVII will be priced at £12.99/€15.99, while the X & X-2 Remaster collection is being released for  £39.99/€49.99.
Now that we have this properly confirmed I’m hoping Square Enix is hard at work to bring one of my favourite RPGs ever, Final Fantasy XII, to the PS4 as a HD remaster. If you didn’t pick up the collection on PS3 or Vita then you can read mine and Tuffcub’s thoughts on it from earlier this year.
Source: Press Release
Old School
Got it on PS2,Vita and PS3. Not buying at that price again.
I have this on the PS3, is there any difference on the PS4?
I bought FFX with my beautiful silver ps2 but never got chance to finish it. Quite tempted with this but will await the reviews just in case.
Okay….now FF12 HD please :)