Square Enix Confirms Final Fantasy X & X-2 HD Is Happening For PS4

A few days back Square Enix’s French webstore put up a listing for Final Fantasy X & X-2 HD for the PS4, and today the publisher has confirmed that the collection will be released on the Sony’s console. This joins Final Fantasy VII which is also getting a port to PS4, rather than a full HD makeover, and all of these games are expected at some point in Spring 2015. Cost wise FFVII will be priced at £12.99/€15.99, while the X & X-2 Remaster collection is being released for  £39.99/€49.99.

Now that we have this properly confirmed I’m hoping Square Enix is hard at work to bring one of my favourite RPGs ever, Final Fantasy XII, to the PS4 as a HD remaster. If you didn’t pick up the collection on PS3 or Vita then you can read mine and Tuffcub’s thoughts on it from earlier this year.

Source: Press Release


  1. Got it on PS2,Vita and PS3. Not buying at that price again.

  2. I have this on the PS3, is there any difference on the PS4?

  3. I bought FFX with my beautiful silver ps2 but never got chance to finish it. Quite tempted with this but will await the reviews just in case.

  4. Okay….now FF12 HD please :)

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