January’s PS+ Games Announced, Includes Ducks And Duke

The European PlayStation Facebook page has posted details of January’s PS+ games, which is rather odd as the EU blog usually has the news but I guess they are off quaffing champers and mince pies. Let us assume this is correct and the Facebook page has not overdone the sherry and printed the details too early/wrong.

PlayStation 4 gamers will be getting inFAMOUS: First Light, which we knew about, and  indie puzzler The Swapper whilst those with a PS3 will be getting the rather excellent, if rather old, Prototype 2. Also in the mix is the fabulous (if rather short) Duck Tales (awoo-oo) Remastered and Whoa Dave on PS Vita.

The final game for your collection is Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition on PS Vita, which explains why the game was inexplicably delayed at the last moment.

Although getting on a bit, Prototype 2 is a fab game and scored 8/10 here at TSA, as did Duck Tales, The Swapper and inFAMOUS: First Light. The only unknown quantities are Whoa Dave and Duke Nukem, but overall it looks like a good, if slightly elderly, month.

Source: Facebook


  1. Never played an inFamous game so I’ll be new to me.

  2. Not a lot there for me sadly, infamous isn’t for me and the swapper doesn’t interest me though I guess I’ll give both a try, just to realise my gut feeling was right and I didn’t actually want either.

  3. Been very tempted with Second Son to bolster my admittedly feeble ps4 collection. First Light will probably be enough to show me if the main game is worth purchasing. Not a bad selection but also just got Alien Isolation to crank up. Not enough time in the day / week for gaming even over Chrimbo.

  4. Prototype 2 was only released in 2012. I’d say that was still pretty recent as far as games are concerned. It’s not as bad as Arkham Asylum we got the other month which was released in 2009. Now that’s rather old.

    Great month for me overall but i haven’t played any plus games for months because there are just too many new games to play. I got 11 PS4/XB1 games for xmas and I just cant keep up. If only there was a job where you could just play games all day.

  5. All sounds good. The Swapper is cross buy, so I’ll play that on the PS3, meanwhile Duke Nukem is a welcome addition that I’ll dive into straight away. I presume these titles will be available next Wednesday, which if so, would be rather nice.

    I reckon Driveclub PS+ edition (or quite possibly the full game) might come February, otherwise I think Evolution are taking the biscuit by aiming for anything later.

  6. Prototype 2 is a fairly quick and easy platinum for any trophies hunters out there.

  7. @ avenger

    ” (or quite possibly the full game) “. NOT happening. It would kill almost any future sales of this title. Besides, it has been quite successful in sales and I’m guessing it has passed the 2 mio mark (ish) around the end of the year. That’s bundles and download included of course and counts for both sold-in and sold-through via retail.

    It would also be slap to the face of everyone who supported this much criticised title by purchasing it.

    Personally I’m very pleased about First Light and the Swapper as they were on my (very long) list of released and upcoming games to get.

  8. Yay! 8-bit graphics, Android/iOS versions, 79p currently in a Steam sale. They’re spoiling us with that Woah Dave! thing, aren’t they? On the other hand, the people responsible for it have something to do with the BIT.TRIP games, so it might not be all bad.

    The rest are looking interesting enough though.

    Also, the phrase “explains why the game was inexplicably delayed at the last moment” amused me, given the infamous delays in getting Duke Nukem Forever finished (which wasn’t really worth it in the end, was it?). A month or 2 delay is nothing compared to 15 years of whatever it was they were doing for 15 years.

    • it wouldn’t be PlayStation plus without an 8 bit game in the mix.

  9. do we know how big infamous will be,my hard drive is bursting with all my new games from the fat man!

    • It’s 10.07 GB on my PS4

      • Thank Col..think I will have to delete something’s

  10. first month with something to interest me!

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