PlayStation Germany Let Slip February’s PS Plus Games [Confirmed]

Some poor person working on the German version of the EU PlayStation Blog hit the go button just a little bit too soon, it seems, and let slip with the PlayStation Plus update for February. It looks to me like it’s going to be a pretty good month too.

For PlayStation 4, we have the very well regarded action RPG Transistor, with beatiful graphics, a gorgeous soundtrack and an intriguing tactical element to the combat. I’ve been recommending it to people for months. Alongside it will be the new release of Apotheon, a 2D side scrolling action RPG with a rather unique Greek mythological look to it.

PlayStation 3 owners, meanwhile, get a pair of fine retail games, with both Yakuza 4 and Thief added to its roster. The PS Vita then has the new release of Kick & Fennick and the cross-buy Rogue Legacy on the cards.

So that’s:

  • Apotheon (PS4)
  • Transistor (PS4)
  • Thief (PS3)
  • Yakuza 4 (PS3)
  • Rogue Legacy (PS4, PS3, PS Vita Cross Buy)
  • Kick and Fennick (PS Vita)

Unfortunately, the original post has since been pulled, but there’s enough weight in numbers that we’re fairly confident that this was the list that was posted. We’ll confirm once the planned unveil happens, whenever that might be.

Update: Yup, it’s been confirmed.

Via twitter & NeoGAF


  1. If this is the list, that is right up there among the best. Yakuza 4 is most welcome as is Rogue Legacy & Transistor. Hope this is the case :).

  2. Someone on Reddit spotted Thief as a PS+ game in a store glitch, so I think Thief is a sure bet.

    One of the Vita/PS4 titles could maybe be different if Germany got a different game due to ‘content’. I know Germany got Gravity crush instead of Duke Nukem in January.

    Nevertheless, a solid line up for PS3 and not bad for PS4. I think I’ve given up on Vita.

    • It was meeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

      And yeah, turned out correctly. Hoped to get it for PS4 also, sadly that didn’t happen. But Apotheon, Transistor and Rogue Legacy is an impressive lineup for PS4, so most PS4 owners should be pleased about that, me included, even though I have the last two.

      • Ah, small world, and word gets around :)

    • On a couple of side notes, I don’t think I’ll ever play Yakuza 4 simply down to the 20GB+ size being too big for my backlog-filled HDD. Also I see Driveclub PS+ edition is no where to be found. Maybe it is too much to ask for.

      • I’m pretty sure we will see Driveclub PS+ edition before the summer. The full game runs without any problems, but they are properly want to be 100% sure the PS+ edition will not screw up servers.

  3. Just purchased Rogue Legacy a few weeks ago…never ever buy Indie games cos you know they will be on PS+…

    Cracking game though…

  4. Great update!
    I’ve had yakuza 4 on my wish list

  5. Oh. Actually not interested in any of that.

  6. Been looking forward to Apotheon.

    • Never heard of it until now, but I’m very interested. I love Greek mythology and the art style here is brilliant.

  7. The first Plus update in absolute yonks that looks any good! Tempted…

  8. Great stuff, i wanted to try out Transistor after hearing such good things about it here and Apotheon looks intriguing too. Also i almost bought Rogue Legacy a few days ago so that was a good save!

  9. Hopefully something there is a replacement for something else the Germans aren’t allowed to play. Because otherwise it’s a good update, but a rubbish one too.

    Yakuza games are always fun, but I already own that one. And Transistor (which is excellent). And Rogue Legacy, which is wonderful, frustrating fun.

    Thief didn’t get too great a reaction when it was released, did it? And they could have given us the PS4 version instead. And the other 2 games look a bit meh.

    So I hope there’s something being replaced for the Germans. But if not, it’s still a decent update and probably even better if you don’t already own half the games.

    • And it’s confirmed now anyway. We all get the same as the Germans.

  10. Transistor and Apotheon both catch my fancy. I’ve never played a Yakuza game before but I think I’ll give it a go since its on plus.

    • The Yakuza games are great fun. Although the developers are obviously completely mad and incapable of saying “No, that’s a silly idea for extra content and we should concentrate on the main story instead”.

      Which is somehow a good thing. When they decided to make what is basically a cheap, zombie-themed spin-off in Dead Souls, my reaction wasn’t “Oh, good, more zombie crap” but “Ok, that works for me. It’s not like it could really make the game that much more insane”.

      • Sounds like a real blast then, can’t wait to add it to my backlog.

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