RIGS Announced For Project Morpheus

One of the surprises from last night’s Sony E3 presentation was the small amount of time spent talking about Project Morpheus. We had expected Sony to unveil a number of games but in the end they talked about just one, RIGS, from Guerilla Cambridge.

The game is a 3 vs 3 first person shooter with combat mechs and that is about all we know. I would guess that this may be the title that comes bundled with the headset.

Source: YouTube


  1. Disappointed that they didn’t show much of the Morpheus just a brief show

  2. Just a reminder: Sony already said that the next time we’ll hear about Morpheus will be in October in Paris. There is a conference fully dedicated to Morpheus already planned, with all the full details (price, release date, all the launch games, etc) about the Morpheus.
    So it’s normal if they said nothing at E3, as there is a Morpheus Event planned later this year ;)

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