Bungie Unveil New Strikes, Prison Of Elders And Higher Light For Destiny’s April Update

Having shifted away from regular paid expansions with the launch of The Taken King last September, meaningful content updates to Destiny have dried up. However, April 12th will end that drought with new twists on familiar strikes and game modes as well as a new dose of story for the sci-fi universe.

Bungie held a livestream last night to detail some of the changes coming to the PvE side of the game. With Oryx defeated, the Reef are busy mopping up what remains of the Taken and are imprisoning them in the Prison of Elders – quite how that works for interdimensional beings, I have no idea. This update takes you back to the Prison with a new level 41 version of the game mode called the Challenge of the Elders, with updated versions of existing bosses, Taken enemies and a new focus on setting scores on the Elders’ Sigil leaderboard.

But there’s a powerful foe that has evaded Variks’ peculiar brand of justice, with a powerful Taken prince looking to take control of what remains of Oryx’ invading forces. The Blighted Chalice strike tasks you with putting an end to him before he gets too strong. There’s also a new Taken remix of the Winter’s Run strike from the original game.

Alongside all of this, the maximum Light level has been increased to 335, with rewards across the game raised to match this. In particular, Court of Oryx artifacts can now drop at 335, and the Kingsfall raid drops have been boosted to 320 on normal difficulty and up to 330 on hard difficulty.

There’s two more streams to come for the game, with new rewards and new live updates the focus of the next two weeks’ streams. You can watch this week’s stream in full on Twitch:

Source: press release, Bungie


  1. Haven’t they made it impossible to reach the new light cap? 335 is the new cap but hard raid will only drop up to 330? Or does the remixed poe drop 335? Seems an odd choice to make the only relevant raid now irrelevant also.

    • The Remixed POE “big chest” will give out 335 gear and apparently theres no need for keys and you can open said “big chest” (teeehehehehe) as many times as you like….

  2. Erm… Okay so running the raid is useless other than it’s “fun.” That’s a bit of a shame isn’t it.

  3. Looks like a fantastic update, House of Wolves was my favourite destiny ‘era’. Skolas (after they removed the burns) was imo the best fight they have put in the game so far, and strutting around in max light VoG gear made me feel like a king.

    I’m hoping the prison is just as enjoyable as it used to be, and the next stream reveals that once again any piece of gear can be fully upgraded. I hate how the infusion system works at the moment, I want my sexy old gear back!!

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