Blue Rider Announced For PS4, Xbox One, And PC

Hmm, someone needs to check the Engrish on Sony’s latest upload to their YouTube channel, it’s quite amusing, as is the official site for Blue Rider (or Raider?), which proudly declares it is “COMMING SOON.”

Here is the YouTube description in all it’s glory.

Blue Raider waking up for saving the planet. //… // The planet is being destroyed by evil machines, get ready to save life from destruction. Blue Rider is fully loaded with 4 type of weapons ready to destroy those bastards. Make everything explode until no one left to help your planet.

Source: YouTube

Written by
News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.


  1. What funnier is its already out in America so its already comme

  2. “Get ready to save life from destruction ..Make everything explode until no one left to help your planet” …? O.o

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