Battlefront II promises to be pretty damn big. Three times the content is promised, in fact, taking everything from the original, adding more of it, and adding a single player on top of that.
The game will cover all three eras of Star Wars, with the first official gameplay trailer set in the prequels, with drones and clones fighting in Theed on the planet Naboo.
Serious revisions have been made to the gameplay, with a new Battle Points system used to summon vehicles, heroes and more, earned through completing objectives and other tasks. Additionally, they’ve taken a leaf out of Battlefield with character classes and tons more customisation.
There’s plenty more about Battlefront II, such as details on the plan for free DLC. Stay tuned for that.
I have a gooooood feeling about this!
See what I did there? I’m pretty positive no one has ever combined Solo and Palpatines catchphrases before! I’ve been sitting on that one for years, waiting for something so exciting that my socks fly across the room, my feel smoking and my ears ringing from the whatever did the blowing.
Looks absolutely incredible but same as everything else the proof is in the pudding and while its predecessor was technically excellent I didn’t find much to truly enjoy in the last game.