Sparc Launches As A PSVR Exclusive This Year

Sparc, the virtual reality sport from EVE developers CCP games is to launch exclusively on PlayStation VR this year. It’s rather like a Tron disc battle but with a ball, with players using their two PlayStation Move motion controllers to aim and throw projectiles at each other inside virtual arena. There will be a courtside area where you can spectate, a two player game, and online play.

“We have been exploring various aspects of VR over the past four years and pushed into new, exciting territories,” said Hilmar Pétursson, CEO of CCP Games. “Out of one of those explorations, we found this amazing, central nervous system-unlocking experience that really feels like a solid next step towards the next generation of virtual reality experiences. As our first release outside of the EVE universe, I’m really looking forward to seeing how people react to this level of innovation.”

Source: YouTube / Press release

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News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.