TSA’s Video Game Pub Quiz – Halloween Special

With Halloween just around the corner, we’re changing things up for this week’s quiz. As always, we’re serving up ten questions to test your gaming knowledge, but with a slight spooky twist. Be sure to share your scores and let us know how you did!

Written by
Senior Editor bursting with lukewarm takes and useless gaming trivia. May as well surgically attach my DualSense at this point.


  1. 7, pretty happy with that.
    Man I wish they were still making that Silent Hill game.

  2. Spooky 7 wish I had 10 I love me some horror games xD
    2 were wrong guesses but can’t belive I actually got one other wrong when I thought I already knew the answer…. d’oh
    Brilliant quiz ^^

    • Omg this is getting ridiculous! 7 here too! I thought I was in trouble this week, don’t know too much about horror games but there were a few I knew and a couple of lucky guesses got me the 7!

  3. 8 messed up on the Mortal Kombat and Slenderman questions :(

  4. Guessed a few.

  5. 666/10

    And some blood is dripping out of the screen.

    What’s going on??

  6. Two many games I never played (and never wanted to), resulting in a measly 4/10, which at least is far better than purely random guesses.

  7. A few that i knew and lot’s of guesses brought me a horrifying 4.

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