Capcom’s puzzle punching mash-up, Puzzle Fighter, appears to be heading to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, as it has been rated by PEGI. The chances are this is an enhanced port of the game that is currently available on mobile devices, which in turn is a remake of the older arcade games.
Meanwhile the German ratings board has listed the 2001 Japanese shooter Ikaruga for PlayStation 4. The game has made it’s way to various consoles of the years including the Dreamcast and the Xbox 360, but this is the first time it has been seen on PlayStation.
Absolutely love a bit of puzzle fighter but it better be sub £4 if its just a mobile port.
Paulo Vinicius Radtke
Great, Ikaruga is one of those classics that begs for a re-release. However, the bit “The game has made it’s way to various consoles of the years including the Dreamcast” … ouch, the game was originally released to a home console on the Dreamcast, and even the arcade cabinet used a Sega Naomi board, which is basically a Dreamcast :). Hopefully there’ll be a nice limited physical edition released somewhere. Both the Dreamcast and Gamecube releases were lackluster, to say the least.