A new system software update for PlayStation 4 is out now, bringing the version number up to 6.50 and doing a whole lot more than just making it a bit more stable or laying the foundations for future games. This update adds support for iOS Remote Play, coming alongside a new ‘PS4 Remote Play’ app that you can download from iTunes.
The app requires iOS 12.1, with iPhone 7, 6th generation iPad and 2nd generation iPad Pro recommended, and you need a good internet connection over wi-fi for it to work. Sony note that it may not be compatible with some games and that you cannot use a DualShock 4 controller with the app, likely down to it not having system-level support.
Outside of this there are two more smaller changes:
- You can now choose 720p when you broadcast using Niconico Live. This service is only available in certain countries and regions.
- You can now change the button assignment to perform “Enter” operations from the (circle) button to the (cross) button.
Select (Settings) > [System] and then select the checkbox for [Use (cross) Button for Enter]. This option is only available for specific countries and regions.
Source: iTunes, PlayStation, this fellow called Tony, but his name isn’t actually Tony
Fingers crossed they change the requirement for a Sony Xperia device for the Android app now too.
PS – That ‘Tony’ guy does good work, you should consider hiring him ;)
Iphone 7? Of course it does, now that i’ve finally upgraded to an iphone 6 lol.
Stefan L
Just recommended, from what I can see, you can see how it runs!
I’ve actually just seen someone running it on an iphone 5s – so maybe..
Tested okay in principle on iphone 6 – on my home wifi at least. Trying to place fingers correctly on screen in order to control acceleration, braking and steering at the same time is not ideal – or indeed very manageable unless you’re double-jointed. Not being able to connect a controller means it’ll really only suit particular games. I’ll play around with it a bit more and see. Of course the ultimate test would be – can i play NMS while at work? ;)
Stefan L
You might be able to buy a MFi controller that’s close-ish to a DualShock in functions. I don’t see anything to say that would work, but I’m 100% certain someone online will have tried it by now!
That old trick of logging into remote play on your second account and then pressing the PS button on a controller to connect directly to your PS4 on your primary account works perfectly. Same-room remote display only but extremely useful if your wife has Love Island to catch up on!
So, is that the “Second Screen” app that was always available on android?
Stefan L
No, there’s already a separate second screen app for iOS. This is Remote Play, as in you have the actual TV output mirrored to your iPhone/iPad.
Why do I have to download this, if I have no overpriced and overhyped Apple device? Rubbish update.
Because it does more than just add the iOS thing?
Shush your mouth