Ubisoft to fix XP farming quests created using Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s Story Creator

This is why we can’t have nice things, give people access to the tools to create exciting missions with the Assassin’s Creed universe and what do they do? Make quests where you can farm shed loads of XP instead.

Tut tut tut.

Ubisoft have posted a note of the isse, which you can read in full below.

Hey everyone,

We’d like to discuss XP farming.

Story Creator Mode was designed to be a tool for players to let their creativity and imagination run free as they build their very own Stories to share with others, using a modified version of the tools our own designers used to develop the quests in the game. However, since the launch of the beta we have noticed an increasing flow of “farming quests,” that exploit the tool to get large amounts of XP. These exploits risk jeopardizing the overall quality, integrity, and purpose of Story Creator Mode and results in less visibility for the creative, interesting and frankly fantastic community stories that have been published.

We want to focus on rewarding creativity by highlighting quality quests and we are working on fixes and adjustments to reduce the impact of such farming quests on the player experience. We are also changing Story Creator Mode’s terms of use to prevent creators from publishing these kinds of Stories.

We are working on the following fixes and adjustments to reduce the impact of such farming quests on the player experience, shifting the focus back to the tool’s intended design and use – as well as actively combatting exploits moving forward:

  1. XP farming quests will not appear in our automatic recommendation system – this includes the Hall of Fame and the trending section.
  2. Stories that are reported for exploitation or cheating will be hidden moving forward.
  3. Our terms of use will be updated to reflect the misuse of the tool.
  4. We will be sanctioning those who continue to willingly and intentionally misuse the tool.
  5. Implement further solutions with upcoming title updates. We will share more information as we near these updates.

/ AC Community and Development Teams

Read our Assassin’s Creed Odyssey review here or check out the latest patch notes.

Source: Ubisoft

Written by
News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.

1 Comment

  1. They shouldn’t have made it such a grind then. But of course you can still buy XP boosts, totally contradicting their reasons for stopping it. They’ll have to ban themselves now.

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