Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Title Update 3 out now, adds Furious Rajang and Raging Brachydios

Two more powerful monster variants have been added to Monster Hunter World: Iceborne with the release of Title Update 3 today, and more are on the way. Out now on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and coming on 8th April for PC, the thirteenth update to the game has added Furious Rajang and Raging Brachydios to battle, new cosmetic options for weapons, and a Banishing Ball.

This is a big update for the game, laying the foundations for what’s to come. as well as adding content in the here and now. The Furious Rajang is to be a new challenge for hunters, as its golden coat crackles with energy and it remains in its ‘angry’ state with fewer weak points throughout the hunt. Meanwhile the Raging Brachydios has an even more volatile coat of slime, which you have to force to drop off by attacking specific body parts – just beware it’ll explode when it hits the ground!

Take these on and you’ll have new top-tier Plaico gear, weapons and armours to craft.

Title Update 3 also adds new layered weapons to customise. The first round of layered weapons is available now, letting you take fully upgraded weapons and customise them with a base frame and monster part. In April new weapons with unique designs will be added to the weapon pool that this applies to. Fashionistas will be glad that all NPC hairstyles from World are now part of the character customisation options.

Hunter Helper has also been overhauled to increase monetary rewards when playing with hunters of lower rank, and enhancing drop rates for some quests. If you like to dive into the Guiding Lands, you’ll also now have the Banishing Ball tool, which quest leaders can use send unwanted monsters packing immediately, so they don’t interrupt the fight.

The Seliana seasonal event will kick off on 9th April for all platforms. The Full Bloom Fest will jazz up the base with rosy decorations, there’ enw canteen meals, a new Poogie costume,  seasonal Palico gear, pendants, paid seasonal Handler costume, and new guild card options. During the even, log-in bonuses and bounties will give you tickets for crafting special event armour, and there’s a new quest  that gives materials for layered headgear based on the rare endemic creature Downy Crakes, and a pair of Whetfish Dual Blades.

Looking to later in the month, the Kulve Taroth and Arch-Tempered Namielle will provide even more challenge to hunters, with the Kulve Taroth Event Quest giving you the chance to increase High Rank siege gear up to Master Rank. All of that is to prepare for the arrival of the Elder Dragon Alatreon coming in May.

In our review for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Dom wrote:

Monster Hunter: World is deservedly Capcom’s most successful game to date, and the Iceborne expansion amplifies everything positive about it. More incredible monsters, new lands and a wealth of ways to upgrade your Hunter will have fans in rapture, while new players yet to experience the delights of monster hunting can rest assured that there’s never been a better time to join the hunt.

You can read the full review here.

Source: press release

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