Alan Wake will be added to Xbox Game Pass next week

Remedy Entertainment is currently celebrating the 10th anniversary of Alan Wake, and as part of that celebration, the studio has confirmed that the title will be available on Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass for PC from May 21st. The news came from Remedy’s Twitter account and you can view the tweet below.

Alan Wake released in 2010 to a lot of praise from players and it was followed up by in 2012 by Alan Wake’s American Nightmare. Since then the franchise has laid dormant, but there are some clues that Alan Wake will be returning in some capacity. In Remedy’s latest title Control, he is mentioned in files around the Bureau as a significant character that ties the two franchises together. The artwork on Control’s DLC is also a bit evocative of Alan Wake which has led to speculation he will be part of it in some way.

Last year, Remedy reacquired the publishing rights of Alan Wake from Microsoft so the studio is free to work on Alan Wake content if it wishes to do so, and a lot of fans would want a sequel. The 10th anniversary is a good a time as any to announce potential plans. In addition, with the publishing rights back at Remedy the studio confirmed it was also no longer tied to one platform.

“The only thing we want to clarify, now that Remedy owns the publishing rights, is that we could bring Alan Wake to different platforms if we so choose,” a Remedy spokesperson told Eurogamer at the time. “We have nothing to announce for now.”

Maybe we will see Alan Wake return on the next generation of consoles should Remedy see fit to bring the character and the franchise back.

Source: Twitter

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From the heady days of the Mega Drive up until the modern day gaming has been my main hobby. I'll give almost any game a go.


  1. Brilliant game. Gripping story and keeps you interacting enough to make it feel like a game and not a Life Is Strange kind of experience. Not to bash LIS as it is a great game (and Before The Storm) in that genre.
    Not sure how it holds up visually though, was low res even on the 360 as I recall.

    • Totally agree with AW being a great game. I played when it first came out and remember it well for being a bit different. Flashlight mechanic was a breath of fresh air and game was very atmospheric and creepy at times. Think I’ll grab this for another play through. For some reason even with game pass and a wealth of options I’ve recently found myself going back to the older ones I’ve already played – Portal, Portal 2, The Last Guardian. Must try some new games on Gamepass!

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