A short Chorus gameplay trailer shows off its fancy next-gen space dogfighting

A gameplay trailer for the upcoming space shooter Chorus has been released during Gamesom’s opening night stream, giving us a glimpse of just how good the game will look on next-gen hardware like the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 when it releases in 2021. The game is, however, also coming to PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Google Stadia, with very levels of looking just as good and not quite as good.

Here’s the rather brief trailer which, at 59 seconds, probably has people a bit miffed at the lack of what it promises to show.

Chorus was announced by Deep Silver and FishLabs at the ill-fated Xbox 20/20 event in May. A story-driven single player game, it cast you as Nara, the Cirvle’s deadliest warrior turned fugitive venturing into space with her sentient ship named Forsaken to go and shoot the bad guys that banished her.

It’s a quest for redemption, but it’s also a sci-fi space shooter, which means plenty of zero-g combat, big, bombastic weaponry and combat upgrades. You’ll have to learn to control Forsaken’s drift mechanics, use teleportation, telekinesis and extra-sensory perception to overcome the many enemies set against you. It’s also very stylish looking, with gorgeous lighting and deep red hues throughout.

As part of its announcement in May, it was also confirmed that Deep Silver would be taking up Microsoft on their Smart Delivery scheme, meaning you can just buy the game once and get both Xbox One and Xbox Series X versions of the game. It’s yet to be confirmed if a similar cross-gen upgrade path will be available on PlayStation, but chances are it will.

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