What We Played #553 – Eternal Threads, Card Shark & Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Lunagaron Header

It’s a bank holiday, so that means that it is, of course, raining in the north of England. Still, isn’t that a good excuse for staying inside, eating all the biscuits, and firing up whatever device you play games on?

I’ve been hammering Monster Hunter Rise on PC to bring myself up to the level I need for the upcoming Sunbreak DLC. While I’ve already done everything on the Switch version, I am now utterly spoilt by 120fps and hi-res textures, so I might just stay here. It’s as good as ever. Other than that I’ve been continuing to play Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds in the quieter moments, loved messing with time in Eternal Threads, and had a lot of fun with my son playing Kao the Kangaroo.

I’ve been left to my own devices today so Tef is the first on the What We Played board. He loved Card Shark though he said that it was “quite stressful at times” pulling of the card trick cons. I’m not sure I would want any extra stress, but there you go. He relaxed with a spot of the Splitgate’s second beta season too, which continues to sound like it could be a winner.

Steve played lots of My Time at Sandrock which apparently isn’t a huge departure from its predecessor, Portia. He says, “it’s more streamlined and has a bit more oomph in the combat”. He’s also playing an upcoming Switch game that he can’t name but that is proving to be good family fun. He’s been very busy prior to that though; “This is after all my annual marking challenges – achievements unlocked there!”.

Lost Judgment Combat

The combat is as flashy as ever in Lost Judgment.

Aran has been playing Lost Judgment. He told us, “I’ve had to progress the story a bit so I can progress in the side quests. I’m enjoying it and liking the different activities. Yesterday, I just spent time clearing the batting cage challenges”.

Nick P got his plat on Horizon Forbidden West! He said, “overall, very enjoyable. Not as strong as the first and it leaves it on a nice cliffhanger. I also finally started Cyberpunk 2077 which I’m enjoying so far”.

Gareth played Winter Ember for review, which was sadly disappointing, and a little MGS5. He said, “frankly I forgot how phenomenal MGS5 is as far as being an awesome military sandbox where you manage and outfit a PMC. Just fantastic”.

Nic B played Sunbreak at a preview event, which has stoked the unending fires of jealousy in me. He has also played Pokémon Go. Quite how there are any Pokémon left for him to go find I don’t know.

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Lunagaron

Reuben finally, after 7 years (on and off) finished Pokémon Picross on 3DS without spending a penny. He said, “It was … not worth it!” Otherwise, he’s been playing Axiom Verge 2, which is “an excellent game”, and mopping up bits before the end of the current Fortnite season.

Finally, Miguel played some Apex Legends, some Cotton Fantasy, and a sprinkling of Vampire Survivors!

Now then, what are you playing this bank holiday weekend?

Written by
TSA's Reviews Editor - a hoarder of headsets who regularly argues that the Sega Saturn was the best console ever released.


  1. Meanwhile, I finished playing through the AstroBot PSVR game (Rescue Mission). Some levels were excellent and overall I very much enjoyed it. And I might return for some speedruns, or with my kids.
    But the foam of my PSVR is somehow in self-destrction mode now, and that’s worrying. It doesn’t seem to be built to hold for very long, especially as I had not used it that much.

    I also just finished playing through Control last night, as you get used to its bonkers storyline, and the gameplay and interesting map got me hooked enough. Towards the end I was also very happy about the assist mode they had introduced in an update: there are difficulty spikes in the game which made me wonder whether these were not just bugs, and I doubt more than 1% of the general gaming population would ever be able to make it through these boss fights.

    • When you say the foam of your PSVR is self-destructing – do you mean just the thin rubbery coating? If so, you can easily rub away the whole lot in a few minutes with your fingers/thumbs. I did mine ages ago and now i get no more black bits stuck to my forehead after playing. I expected that it would be more prone to sweat afterwards but haven’t noticed it especially.

      • Yes, it’s just this top layer. I also realised I could rub this off, but stopped doing it, as I thought there’s probably a reason for it to be there. So far, there’s not too many black bits coming off, so I just treat it carefully and leave it as is. Still, as I had really not used my PSVR that much overall, there’s a problem with this material.

  2. I’ve been wandering the ‘low’ lands of Elden Ring, looking to mop up as many areas and field bosses as i can before moving on and exploring Altus Plateau properly. I found a few more tunnels in Liurnia, including one with a pair of crystal bosses. My spirit ashes gave up the ghost before i had barely chipped at the bosses health bars so i was not expecting to emerge victorious – but i did!
    Radahn is next on the list but after 150+ hours i still have so much other stuff left to do too!

  3. After much grinding, I got the platinum for Lego Worlds!

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