What We Played #589 – Hi-Fi Rush, Hogwarts Legacy and PSVR 2

Hogwarts Legacy Review Header

It’s been a big week at TSA as we’ve welcomed another new generation into the world, taking delivery of a brand new PlayStation VR 2. We can’t really say much more than that at the moment, but with a handful of big new games ready for launch, alongside a daft number of enhanced ports and PSVR upgrades, we’ll have our hands full over the next couple of weeks. Keep an eye out for our unboxing and reviews!

We Were Here Forever Co-op

When not admiring said fancy hat, I’ve had a mixture of other things on the go this week. Dom and I finished off We Were Here Forever, the asymmetrical puzzler really growing on us as we player, and I’ve continued to dip into Halo Infinite as my chill out game. I’ve also grabbed the rather spiffing Metroid Prime Remastered, and will have some thoughts to share on that rather soon!

Nick P was the first to respond this week, and he’s continued to smash his way through Monster Hunter Rise, thanks to its PS5 release, as well as the “incredible” Hi-Fi Rush on Xbox Series X. It’s asymmetrical multiplayer that’s really his beau, though, and so he’s played some more Dead by Daylight and got back into Evil Dead: The Game.

Hi-Fi Rush large cityscape

It was Hi-Fi Rush for Miguel as well, who’s married the rhythm action combat with his usual bouts of Fortnite. He’s planning to give some love to some Steam Next Fest demos this weekend, but Steve’s well ahead of him, having played more demos than is probably healthy. “A huge mix of quality from great to awful – I’ll write up some highlights when I’ve got a spare minute or two.”

And then we come to the Marvel Snap-ers, which include Nick P, Aran, Jim and Nic B (who’s also played Pokémon Go, of course) in their number. Gamoc didn’t play mobile games. He played The Witcher 3 some more.

Hogwarts Legacy Choosing a Wand

We’ve also had a bunch of reviewing on the go. Jim and Dom were both playing Hogwarts Legacy ahead of our review – many still have mixed feelings about the game’s origins, but it’s a solid RPG that’s a wonderful ode to a fantasy world that many millions continue to love. We’ve also got Reuben locked in on Octopath Traveler 2, and Aran’s been all-in on Like a Dragon: Ishin!, the remake of the historical twist on the series formerly known as Yakuza.

That’s us, but what about you? What have you been playing?

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I'm probably wearing toe shoes, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!


  1. I haven’t reported in for a bit but i’m mostly still playing The Witcher 3 and have also played a couple hours of Deliver Us The Moon, really enjoying the latter’s setting and environmental puzzling.

  2. I continued Spider-Man, which is very good, and classic Pixeljunk Eden (for comparison also on my PS3, which still works). I also started up The Turing Test, as it will leave Plus soon. That one hasn’t really clicked with me yet, but it didn’t turn me off in the first hour or so either.

  3. A couple of things from the various levels of PS+. OlliOlli World really is as bad as I was expecting, based on the previous games. Controls are still unresponsive, and it all just comes down to “fail due to obstacle, repeat section passing obstacle, fail on next obstacle”. Which is a terrible way for a game to play.

    I was having more fun with Back 4 Blood. Not the greatest, nothing that hasn’t been seen before, but it’s entertaining enough.

    Still working through Chained Echoes, which I’m loving. How is an old-school, pre-FF7 turn based RPG one of the best RPGs in years?

    Plus Monster Hunter Rise, which I’m enjoying a lot more than MH World. Bit easier, with some useful improvements for getting around.

    And finally, because there’s a sale on… The Riftbreaker. Surprising find I’d not heard of, saw there was a demo (the whole prologue mission), downloaded that and bought the full game not long after. Base building survival thing with twin-stick shooter, tower defense and ARPG stuff. Which sounds like a mix of things that shouldn’t work, but does. And it looks gorgeous. It wins the first “MrYd says you should definitely check out this random game” award for ages. Mainly because I’ve forgot to post on these for ages. But also because it’s on sale for just £14 or so. And there’s a demo you can try as well.

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