Rock Band 4 weekly DLC updates will end next week after 8 years

Rock Band 4’s weekly song DLC release will be coming to an end on January 25th, bringing an end to a service that has been running for 8 years. According to Harmonix, over 3000 songs have been added to the Rock Band 4 catalogue. Nothing else will stop for the game with all other live services continuing including Rivals and online play.

Harmonix has also confirmed that anyone who owns the songs will be able to play them for as long as they like too. Harmonix’s focus is now on Fortnite Festival, which the studio has been working on for the last two years. Rock Band 4 instruments will soon be compatible with the Fortnite Festival experience, but the plans further ahead after that are not known publicly. The last couple of weeks of DLC for Rock Band 4 will have tear jerkers but the songs have not been confirmed.

Rock Band 4 Review

In our review, Dom wrote,“Rock Band 4 is fundamentally an excellent update to what was arguably the finest rhythm-action game of the last generation. However, it currently feels like it lacks ambition, and some features haven’t been given the update they could have had while others have been removed. As a platform it’s certainly a solid, and highly enjoyable, base that at its best makes you absolutely feel like a rock star. Fundamentally, with its series of planned updates still to come, only time will tell if Harmonix can make this generation’s Rock Band a truly essential purchase.”

Source: Harmonix

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From the heady days of the Mega Drive up until the modern day gaming has been my main hobby. I'll give almost any game a go.

1 Comment

  1. Ah, a shame – many fond memories, but it’s definitely time for a new platform (if someone would like to develop one?!)

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