
Review: DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue

Greetings again, intrepid review reader!

New Swarm Screens

Still no Smurfette in sight.

New Swarm Trailer From Hothead is Cute, Deadly

Sadistic murdering of blue things for all.

DeathSpank 2 Announced

Not a typo, there really is another one coming next month.

Review: DeathSpank

Greetings inquisitive review reader!

DeathSpank Site Launched

DeathSpank hath spoken.

DeathSpank’s Story Trailer

Call 1-866-631-1574 for your heroic needs.

DeathSpank Screens

Mmm hanky panky, nothing like a good spanky.

DeathSpank Has 16 Player Local Co-op

Not really but, thanks for playing.

EA Bringing Deathspank To PSN/XBLA

Publisher giving digital services a spanking.