Spectrum Emulator Announced

A few of you guessed at this, but we had to remain tight-lipped until we got the go-ahead to reveal this one properly. We’ll let the press release do the talking, see you on the other side, Speccy fans…

for_release_final_silvermade_ps31Glasgow, Scotland, UK (1st April 2009). Glasgow based Silvermade Games [SMGA] is delighted to officially announce the unveiling of their upcoming PLAYSTATION®3 Entertainment System title “The Ultimate ZX Spectrum Collection”. Conceived in co-operation with a leading figure in ZX Spectrum emulation [1], produced with the full knowledge and approval of the original developers and designed to make the most out of your PLAYSTATION®3 Entertainment System, The Ultimate ZX Spectrum Collection is a shelf-busting set of five hundred [2] top selling ZX Spectrum games from the early to mid Eighties spanning ever popular genres such as racing, platforming and adventure.

The once top-of-the-range ZX Spectrum graphics are emulated to perfection and there is a range of optional complimentary filters to ensure the games still look crisp at The Ultimate ZX Spectrum Collection’s full HD 1080p display. Spectrum owners will also be delighted with the Archive section which includes the original cover art, printed manual, reviews, maps and tips for the majority of the games, and Silvermade is in the process of reproducing the entire Crash magazine collection for inclusion on the disk. The Ultimate ZX Spectrum Collection will also feature a full raft of Trophies and Youtube uploading.

The Ultimate ZX Spectrum Collection will be available this September at an astonishing price of £19.99 [4] on Blu-ray format, and will be supported with additional PlayStation®Store game packs every fortnight for European gamers. These packs will consist of fifty specially selected titles in a range of game styles and will be priced from just £1.99 [5]. In addition, Silvermade are looking into ways to import your own ZX Spectrum tape files directly into the game. [6] “We’re all massive Speccy fans,” said Silvermade’s Geoff Madson, “and this is the perfect opportunity to get a new generation of gamers into the titles that define the games we play now.”

We’ve been tweeting about this for a while, and last Wednesday I got the chance to see TUZXSC in action for myself. Although it’s a little bare bones at the moment the team promise me any UI issues will be ironed out before release, but it’s worth mentioning that some of the Trophies are amazing – we can’t do a list, sadly, but there’s one for getting through the first 5 levels of Manic Miner in one life for example, so perhaps it’s time to brush up on some skills. If you’ve been following our twitter feed, you’ll have picked up on a couple of games that you might be interested in…

We’ll have more on this soon, including some screenshots.