Gravity Crash Is Out!

Well, that was a fun half hour. The upshot of all the updates below is that Gravity Crash, the much anticipated retro-themed shooter from Just Add Water, is now available to download and purchase from the European Store, with the US launch a little later today.  If you use the A-Z function in the Store, Gravity Crash is, as you’d expect, under ‘G’, so head on over there and grab the demo, download it, enjoy it and then hopefully splash the miniscule £6.29 on the full unlock key.  There’s also a day one patch, which wasn’t quite ready for launch but is now, which opens up a few features that the game required at the last minute.  Remember to let us know how you’re getting on with the game in the comments below…

Original Story follows:

Unconfirmed at this precise moment, but we’ve had word from TSA member Haz360 that Gravity Crash is out now on the EU Store – it’s not under ‘Latest’ yet but if you search via the A-Z option, it’s under ‘G’.

Update: Yep, it’s there.  Go now, and tell us what you think of the game we’ve been talking about for months!

Update 2: It appears the day one patch isn’t live yet, so you’ll be missing some levels, Trophy saving and some key game saving options.  We’ll try and find out when the all-important patch will be going live.

Update 3: Stewart from Just Add Water has told us that the 8MB Patch will be live within 30 minutes and suggests you all please wait to play the game, so that you get the patch.

Update 4: Patch is live.