Incoming: Awesome PSN Store Update!

Today’s another cracking day for the PlayStation Store. Why?  Because it’s officially Demo Day, and as the penultimate Store update of 2009 Sony have really pulled out the stops to bring you one amazing line-up.  Don’t believe me?  Well, for starters, how about that Gran Turismo 5 demo (info)?  Sure, it’s only one track and (essentially) one car but the physics have been tuned to perfection and the time trial aspect will provide at least one Challenge TSA in the near future.

Speaking of demos, how about one for Army Of Two: 40th Day (info)?  Yep, EA’s co-op (and slightly homoerotic) two player third person shooter lands a PS3 demo today, so if that’s your thing get it on your download queue.  And that’s not all!  NO!  How about a trip into hell with Dante’s Inferno (info), the demo of which will be appearing on your PS3 today too.  That’s quite a lot, we think, but maybe, just maybe there’s an extra surprise for the PS3 up SCEE’s sleeve…

PSP fans won’t be disappointed either – I can’t say exactly why, but there’s loads of special offers coming and there’s a certain demo of a certain Konami game coming today too…

In addition, look out for Blue Toad Murder Files (info), the first two episodes of which also launch today, the return of the now PS3-compatible Cubixx (info) on Minis and the epic Braid, which makes its European PS3 debut this morning.  This morning?  Yep, we’ve had it on good authority that the European PSN Store Update will be this morning, rather than the usual early evening, and that we can expect this bumper collection of goodies to land in – ooh – about an hour…
