Up Close With LBP 2

You may know him as Donkey Show on NeoGAF – he’s one of the most talented level designers the original LittleBigPlanet was ever graced with, but his real name is David Dino, going by the handle of gevurah22. He’s over in LA just now, checking out Media Molecule’s sequel, and it’s fair to say he’s impressed.

Sitting down with Spaff, MM’s Community Manager, he recorded some in-depth footage from the game showing off some of the lesser known features such as the Controlinator, Movers, Object Tweakers and Rotators.

This is David and Spaff talking about the Controlinator (DCS), microchips and some object tweakers like the gyroscope and anti-grav.

An up close look at the press release Controlinator vehicles: metal bee, fuzzy chicken, fuzzy worm.

A look at the game’s advanced camera control.

Real time strategy and some amazing “3D” Star Fox-esque shooter gameplay, complete with barrel rolls!

Republished with permission.


  1. That’s alot of closeness :) thanks for the uploads. I’d like a great tutorial of this game when it comes out so you can really get the most of all that’s on offer

  2. I know I’ll no doubt be chastised, LBP was nice and all, but it wasn’t really that good. Why should LBP 2 be any better.

    • All of the new features makes it a better game as it’s just like before but with loads of new stuff. I don’t own LBP but I have played it and it is fun with friends and I think that’s its main aspect of it being really great fun playing with friends and also for the more creative it gives you a chance to show off your levels and games you make.
      Why should LBP2 be any better than LBP? Why should Killzone 3 be any better than Killzone 2? As it seems to be that games are now adapting and making games better, not like how they used to or how movies tend to be worse when sequels come out. They keep expanding and adding new gameplay and this (LBP2) lets you create your own games. “It is a platform for games”.


    • For you, the game will look better and have more features, but ultimately you are probably not going to like it.

      For us, it means more LittleBigPlanet, which is never a bad thing! :D

    • I have to agree with you there Daz, perhaps we are not the creative type

    • why the profile picture then?

      • Hahahahaa..
        Very good xD

      • loool that was funny
        gotta say though LBP is one of the best games I’ve ever played, it stands right there with Uncharted 2

  3. I have one very important question.. is Stephen Fry involved? I felt he was the most interesting/amusing part of the first one.

    • That is confirmed :) He might be a Sackbot in this. But that’s just me speculating.

    • Yes. He’s doing all the voiceovers and tutorials like before. He mentioned it on his Twitter page.

  4. Oh my… My jaw just dropped to the floor 4 times. This is sick. I can’t wait.

  5. Just wow.

    I cannot wait to get my hands on this. I don’t think I’ll ever need to buy another game, ever again.

  6. Great! Cant wait to get my hands on this

  7. I can’t believe there’s still a lot of people who don’t realise how brilliant the first little big planet is! The story part was cool and all but it was really about what levels people made online. Little big planet 2 seems to greatly expand on this and I personally can’t wait to play some of the levels/games people come up with. BRING IT ON!

  8. Very interesting stuff (from a creative perspective). The final video really showed off the flexibility of the new engine. Quite, quite stunning.

    @ DAZBO – thing is, fella. If it didn’t arouse the old gaming gland then don’t worry about the sequel. LBP is a fairly broad game and enjoyed by most (I feel) but that doesn’t stop it being absolute cack to some people or a bit “meh” to others. There’s every chance that the sequel will evoke the same set of emotions so probably best to play at a mate’s place as oppose to throwing down any green queens at the likes of Asda. :-)

  9. That is simply incredible. Absolutely love the advanced camera and definitely the Star Fox inspired level. There’s just so many things people will be able to make with this; it’s insane! Can’t wait! :D

  10. excuse me while I collect my jaw from Australia

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