Why Sony Dropped Speaker and Analog From Move Controller

Speaking in the comments section of a demonstration of Move’s tech on the PlayStation Blog, Anton Mikhailov of Move’s research and development department has revealed why PlayStation Move doesn’t come with built-in speaker functionality or an analog stick, and candidly discussed the Nav Controller and why it doesn’t have any motion control.

When asked why Move doesn’t contain a speaker like the Wii remote, Mikhailov said that whilst the concept was “discussed” it was “cut from the design for a few reasons.” Whilst aware of some of the creative uses that the speaker affords, in the end,” said Anton, “we found that the applications are fairly limited, and the cost saved was substantial.”

Mikhailov confirmed that the team did prototype Move with an analog stick built -in (instead of requiring a Subcontroller) but said that “using an analog stick while you’re moving in 3D is actually not very intuitive” and that a decent stick “adds quite a bit of cost to the device, and since it wouldn’t be used often that might not be justified.”

“We weighed all these concerns and doing the [seperate] Nav just made more sense,” he said.

Likewise, the Nav Controller doesn’t have motion control for similar reasons.  “We felt that to be completely compatible with the Dualshock we shouldn’t allow motion, since you might not be able to do it holding the Dualshock in one hand,” said Mikhailov.  “With just accelerometers and gyros you wouldn’t be able to do as much as the Move can, so its a bit of an inconsistent experience. And of course, it makes the nav cheaper while having room for other features like the rechargeable battery and wireless.”

The Blog also found time for a few cheeky digs at the competition, or at least that’s how it read to us.  “You’ll notice that Anton was comfortably sitting on a couch when using the PlayStation Move controller,” it said. “These aren’t gesture triggering animations, folks, but true 1:1 gameplay.”

Our detailed hands on with Move starts here.  We’ll have all the launch games reviewed in but a few days…

Thanks, Benny Boy.


  1. Whats a nav? the second little handheld device that’s partnered with move?

    • Yes – the navigation controller

    • The nav or sub controller is a secondary wireless controller sold separately. It consists of an analogue stick as well as the L1 and L2 buttons. Although it may help in some games that require movement of the character such as rpgs and shooters, a standard dualshock 3 controller can be used.

      • do you need the navigation controller cos it would be very hard to play with the move conttroller and dual shock at the same time

    • Yep, the navigation controller with the analog stick.

  2. I’m wondering if true one-to-one could be a hinderance for gamers. Take golf as an example. I am utterly useless at golf but can play it reasonably on Wii Sports as it seems as though it caters for those that struggle at the sport.

    • Similarly, i’m a virtual golfer thanks to Tiger Woods and i’m also a bit concerned about Move’s 1:1 accuracy when it comes to games like golf. I’m sure there’ll be an easier, more tolerant mode where you don’t have to be a pro to play the game. If not then we’ll just have to get into the swing of it..

      • I actually play golf but if you have to be perfect to even shoot a par than i wont be firing it up with move.

      • yep the 1:1 can be a pain, I played the table tennis and lost quite badly just like I would in real life!

  3. i think its gunna be awesome and will strengthen your skills

    • same, practice makes perfect!

    • I am interested to see if using Move to play something like golf/table tennis can actually work as a practise/training aid for real golf/table tennis.. probably not quite but it’ll be interesting to see. :)

  4. I always turned the speakers off on my Wii remotes. Felt like a waste of battery life to be honest, glad they haven’t wasted time with it.

  5. Always aid I wouldn’t be buying Move. I’ve been looking to replacing my 60Gb ‘fat’ PS3 for a slim I noticed you can get the 320Gb slim with Move for the same price as just the 320Gb slim.
    So I may have to eat my words.

    • Well you could…or just buy a new slim before the bundle comes out =)

      • Both out on the same day.

      • I needed replacing so i have preordered the 320gb with move, great price, 17th its out

  6. I actually prefer it that way I mean imagine moving the main controller about and having to move an analogue stick on the same controller, it would be so hard!!!!!!!! The inclusion of the nav actually fits quite nicely as you can just rest it in your second hand without trouble. I always found the sounds on my wii to be “fake” such as wii sports where I would perform an action and a metallic “WOOSH” would come out of my controller, the move is aimed at engrossing the player into the game effortlessly not distract the player with a metallic “SWOOSH” every time they swing the thing. :D

    • The sound quality isn’t the best, its a bit disappointing

  7. Have to agree on the speaker thing. On the Wii it really seems a pointless addition. Yes, it can be fun to use the Wii remote like an actual mobile phone to listen to people in some games, but is a minor quirk like that in a handful of games worth a further addition to hardware which is already pushing things a little price wise? I’d say no.

  8. I hate seeing people complain about aspects of the controller setup (such as the nav controller not having motion detectors) as you can’t really complain until you’ve tried it out or at least heard many other people’s opinions after having tried it out.

    Sony’s research department have obviously spent years perfecting the controller hardware and ergonomics and for people to rubbish it before having even tried it out must be a big downer for the creators.

  9. Fair enough on not bothering with the speaker, but I think they’ve missed out by not putting a Mic in…. A Move Singstar edition would have worked wouldn’t it?

    Alson no biggie over the lack of motion control in the Nav, compatibility with the SA/DS3 is paramount, but it does mean that dadly you have to stump up for 2 move sticks per player for the full experience on a few titles… but the Nav would probably have been dearer anyway with motion built in so it doesn’t really matter

    • The ps eye has four mics in it already which I’m sure would work much better than one built into the move controller which is bound to get a bit of hammer with swinging about a bit.
      Another mic would have been a silly idea, I think.

      The speaker would have been just as crap too, the Wii’s controller speaker is horrible.

    • It would be fun seeing people try to use a Move mic while simultaneously performing a dance routine with the same controller :D

    • Where would it fit?? I mean it already has to fit in the sensors and gyroscopes, accelerometers, buttons and so on!!! Where would there be enough space to put a decent microphone (on the level of singstar) in it yet keep the gripping shape also it has a large silicon ball on top, where would you sing into? I think its better to reduce costs on putting something in which would change the design and can be done much better on a specific and diferent peripheral such as the Sony microphones. Thats just my opinion XD

  10. i played no more heroes on wii the other day and there was one moment in game where travis is on the phone and the audio from the phone came out of the wiimote speaker, just put it to your ear like a phone, it was a nice touch.

    it’s a shame they wont be able to do anything like that for move.

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