Move Vs. Stuff – A Handy Chart From Sony

Confused about what Move can do versus, you know, other stuff? Check out this handy (and quite skewed) marketing site highlighting just what Sony’s entry in the Waggle Warsâ„¢ offers compared to its rivals’ products.

Obviously this is quite tongue in cheek, but you have to admire the plucky attitude of Sony marketing in supporting their fledgling product. We’re pretty sure, for instance, that Kinect comes with more than just a power cord. The risk of a massive coronary for some of the, shall we say, less svelte of gamers out there immediately springs to mind. You should also have a look around the rest of the site, navigating to some of the other URLs. is a particular favourite.

Finally, you may notice that the name Sony is nowhere to be found on these sites, suggesting this cheeky chart may not actually originate from the electronics giant. At least, I had my suspicions. A quick “Whois” on the domain, however, shows SCEA are behind the propaganda piece.

Here’s hoping Microsoft respond with a similar table of ticks. My Dad could batter your Dad, etc.

Source: MoveVsStuff


  1. The sister site is brilliant

    The sites are a great marketing move by Sony which further cements PS Move’s appeal amongst current PS3 owners. Although I’m not sure the campaign passes the ‘mum test’

    • ha ha, just sent this off to my wife. brilliant advertising.

    • A good way to persuade your gf to get move.

    • That’s ace would send one but don’t want move can’t apple make one for an iPhone 4 :p

    • i was in a quiet cafe watching that with my headphones lol i could not contain my laughter. that was great

  2. Lol. This chart is pretty funny. =P
    Not to be taken very serious ofcourse.

  3. lol made me giggle.

  4. ¬ Tapered for easy insertion
    ¬ Vibrates
    ¬ Orb changes colour to show you how far you’ve “progressed”

  5. The one with the ticks must be the best……………

  6. LOL I love SCEA’s new cheeky attitude to marketing! All these virals they push out recently have such a Kevin Butler vibe about them. Love that ‘Includes Power Cord’ is the only feature ticked for Kinect and Wii, and that the domain is YayButtons!

    Anyone who doesn’t find this amusing either has no sense of humour or is an unsavable fanboy for a non-Sony console! In the words of Kevin Butler I say to them – “Pew Pew Pew” :)

  7. LMAO! It’s all VERY Kevin Butler innit? ;-)

    • Have you seen the full site. It includes “VP’s auditory opinions”
      Well worth a click:

      • Yeah i checked the site, but i assumed he said the same thing…cheers for the heads up (the sensitive fireman is tops as well) lulz…hopefully this viral will get some units pushed (although i was sold already)

    • Yup, this is perfect. When Microsoft started making juvenile comparison charts, Sony held their head high for a looong time.
      Sending Mr. Butler on them now at the very last dash is just sheer brilliance.

  8. LOVE IT :O)

  9. jolly good fun! power cord anyone?

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