Hydrophobia: Prophecy Outed, Official Announcement Coming

Anyone paying attention to Dtoid and Gamerbytes might have noticed that they’ve been picking through the trash outside the ESRB again. This latest bout of dumpster diving has yielded a titbit of information about Hydrophobia, the episodic game from Dark Energy Digital that arrived on Xbox Live Arcade last year and is due to hit more formats soon.

They assume that the ESRB rating (for Hydrophobia: Prophecy, rated M) is for the next episode, and they’re probably correct. We’ve been told to expect a proper announcement on Tuesday by the guys at DED who are currently working over the holiday weekend to get something ready.

There, a whole news story without insulting sufferers of Autism.

Source: Dtoid, Gamerbytes and an actual human being at Dark Energy Digital



  1. The writer of that Destructoid article is really rustling my jimmies. His justification of the autism joke in the comments pretty much amounts to “no, u”. Glad we don’t have any writers like that on TSA.

    On topic, I’m looking forward to trying out Hydrophobia when it comes to PSN.

    • I thought that too. Unnecessary and insensitive.
      I’m looking forward to trying the game like youself, it looks fun to me.

      • does anyone know when/if it’s coming to psn? was it a timed exclusive thing or are they still working on it?

      • it was a timed exclusive, it’s on the way (perhaps that will even be something in the Tuesday announcement?)
        You should be looking forward to it though, if I know the chaps at DED they’ll be going out of their way to make sure there’s a plethora of further improvements ;)

    • No worries there, TSA writers will stick to the nob jokes and very bad puns ;)

  2. I don’t understand why the game got such a pasting from certain people.

    • me neither, I loved it and think it really raised the bar for what to expect of XBLA downloads. I can see where one or two bits might have grated some people but not to the extent it was used by certain outlets to stir up some drama and increase their notoriety.

  3. That Jim Sterling, although amusing on occasion, almost always goes too far and is, in my opinion as a student of psychology, a prime example of narcissism. He is heavily critical of mainstream gaming, but is equally as myopic as those he criticises for not trying less conventional games.

    • Your name is awesome…I must have it…

      • You’re very kind, and actually the second person to tell me that who works for a videogame website.

  4. Even in the context of that ridiculous attempt at humour the use of an autism label is completely unnecessary and unacceptable. I despise when autism or aspergers is used as a label to connote a pre-conceived perception of stereotypical characteristics associated with the autism spectrum; the vast majority of which are incorrect and ill-informed.

    On the other hand; I hope that Hydrophobia continues to develop well and I’m looking forward to the release on other formats.

    • I’m glad it wasn’t just me over reacting a bit. I’ve got a bit of a soft spot for that cause myself, I don’t think it’s given nearly enough attention or funding to help the people and families who are affected by it. So, I wasn’t sure if I was taking the joke too personally.

      • I may have over-reacted a little myself, it’s generally only offensive to those who know more than the average stereotypes associated with the spectrum.

        Unfortunately the only reason people tend to know more about it is if they’re personally affected by it in some way, the sad yet entirely understandable fact is that unless there’s a pressing reason to know more, there’s no genuine learning about it other than the pre-existing stereotypes.

      • Well as far as I’m concerned it was a pretty offensive comment, and I don’t think anyone’s over-reacted. I find it even more annoying that he failed to apologise for any offence caused. Then again, I may be over-reacting too because I’ve been volunteering at a special-needs centre from a young age due to a program my old school ran. But yeah, I totally agree with your points colossal.

      • I think things can go too far, but you do need to look at things in the context that they’re being said…

        *finds and reads comment*


      • wow what a shitty thing to say, made all the worse by his comments

  5. I’m still trying to purge the horrid imagery out of my head – “dumpster diving”. Drove passed a couple of rotund valley-girls earlier on today and, well, let me leave you with that and the idea of something oversized being dived in on. Sheesh!

    It’s a holy time, Peter. You sick, sick puppy! :-)

  6. Psn?

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