Black Ops 2 Gameplay Video

At the very end of Microsoft’s E3 press conference, they did something rather unsurprising; they showed some footage of a new Call of Duty game.

It has become somewhat of a staple of Microsoft’s conferences to show Call of Duty gameplay at some point, so with Black Ops 2 releasing in November, this year wasn’t very different. There was even the usual ‘in the interest of time…’ message, so they could skip the boring parts, but we were all rather disappointed by the footage overall – it just wasn’t that exciting.

Has Call of Duty outstayed its welcome, or was this just a bad bit to show? See for yourself in the video below.

Source: YouTube


  1. Delightful. Enjoyed Blops single player, this should be another event filled romp ;)

  2. From all the Call of Duty demos that MS has shown at E3, in my opinion, I found this one the worst. It was just boring and I can see those drones becoming increasingly more annoying.

    I’m not hating for the sake of it because I do occasionally play COD, however, this demo was stunk of ‘meh’.

  3. It looks OK. Will still keep an eye on it.

  4. blaspheme!
    cod is cod never great just ok..
    everytime i say im not getting it and i do.
    sad as it is i have all the cods on both ps and xbox..

  5. Those quadrocopter things made it seem so easy. Just point where you want them and they kill everything in the way. Quite disappointed overall and even the jet bit at the end was a bit meh.

  6. 4.39 – Skype Chrome plugin crashes & brings up a dialogue box mid gameplay.

    Real professional looking, Microsoft. I’m surprised it was IE though.

  7. I was quite underwhelmed with Blops 2 demo, I generally enjoy CODs aswell but this just didn’t really make me wanna play it… at all.

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