Firmware 1.81 Arrives For PS Vita

Stand by, Vita owners – Sony have released a brand new firmware for the console, pushing it up to version 1.81. It’s not much of an update though, with Sony claiming the only difference is improved software stability.

Despite the minor change log, the update is mandatory should you use to use the Vita’s online functions, so you might as well download it now.

Chances are it also blocks the latest round of homebrew hacks, namely one using Monster Hunter to allow the Vita to garner some unofficial playback ability.

As ever, if you find it does anything else, let us know.


  1. Sorry boys i am up early but dint check my vita i geuss the means i get deranked lol

  2. Did I miss the TSA article about remote play now being available for Ico, Shadow of the colossus HD and GOW HD? Playing with that last night – its actually very fast and responsive. Who woulda thought?!

    • Yeah, they did mention it a week or so I think. I found Ico a bit laggy sadly (which could obviously due to my internet, although I have a steady 8Mb connection). It wasn’t always laggy, but it can be game-breaking when it’s during a jump or combat. :(

    • I knew those games were going to be made remote play compatible but didn’t realise it was up and running already – sweet!

  3. had the same issue with God of War. Brilliant for long periods the massive amounts of lag. Cleared up after a minute or two

  4. maybe something to do with the Battle Royale Beta?

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