Optional PS3 Firmware 4.53 Update Released

Amidst all the new console kerfuffle, with fun to be had on pretty new games, operating systems to explore and get used to, silly voice messages to send and missing functionality to complain about, the PlayStation 3 has just had a new firmware update delivered overnight.

Firmware 4.53 is an incremental and completely optional update, coming after 4.50, and as such doesn’t really do all that much. In fact, from the end user perspective, it seems to change absolutely nothing!

I do have a few suggestions for 4.60, or whatever they plan on calling the next major release. Firstly, it would be lovely to be able to see those playing online on the PS4 and PS Vita from your PS3, which is something I definitely feel is missing, and would be an excellent way of marketing the new hardware to those still on the fence.

For the lucky people with new consoles though, a lot of us are getting tons of incoming messages. Coming back to your PS3 after a few days just leaves you with a deluge of messages, and nothing but an option to delete them all. Marking them all as read would be a much neater solution, if you ask me.

Finally, and continuing along the lines of having multiple generations of hardware, I can’t seem to see my tiny handful of PS4 trophies from my PS3 trophy list. Another minor change that would be useful to have.

So, fingers crossed we’ll see another couple of PS3 updates to tie up these loose ends.


  1. The PS4 could do with some updates for stability. Mine crashed while starting Netflix yesterday and I had to unplug it. It’s not happened again though… knock on wood. And starting Killzone greeted me with audio but no picture. Restarting the game didn’t help, I had to reboot the system.

    • I have found replacing the shoddy HDMI cable that Sony provided has solved a multitude of issues I had very similar to this.

      • Oh? I noticed some mild flickering this morning, thought it was the HDMI-switch, but it could be the cable. I’ll try replacing it tonight with a more expensive one I’ve got laying about and see if there’s any difference.

      • I got a flickering screen with sound and no picture, then my telly went a bit loopy with channels.
        Tried with a new HDMI cable and had no luck. However traced it back to the splitter so if you have one of those give it a shot.
        Only worked fine when it was plugged directly into the Telly.

      • I never used the HDMI cord that came with mine, I already had a high quality cable that I had bought the day that I pre-ordered my PS4, so I’m in good shape.

      • I’ve changed the cable and not had any flickering, but it may have been the Netflix app, I’ll just have to wait and see. If it is the switch then it’ll show up again on the PS3 or Wii U aswell as they’re all using it.

        I have had the screen go black again upon loading a game, Warframe this time, so that’s a firmware bug or something.

    • I was having netflix problems yesterday too. The screen would just go black when I tried to load it up. I could exit out of it with no problems. But I had to restart to get it working again

      • Has happened to me twice now, first Killzone then Warframe. Seems to be firmware related.

    • Has anyone had any problems opening the PS Store on the PS4. I noticed sometimes when you click the store icon it looks like its about to open but freezes on the background, I would have to press O to get back and click the store icon again, it would then open up. Anyone else notice the same problem?

  2. I had my first crash yesterday too! Need for Speed was so impressed with the way I wrecked my car and lost 200k SP it booted me back to the system UI :p

  3. Inb4 xgame chat.

  4. I can see my PS4 trophies on my PS3…you have to be in online mode though…

    • Yeah i was gna say that, I swear id seen other ps4 lists when comparing trophies in online mode. Which I was impressed by considering how long it took to make ps3 see Vita trophies!

  5. “Firstly, it would be lovely to be able to see those playing online on the PS4 and PS Vita from your PS3, which is something I definitely feel is missing, and would be an excellent way of marketing the new hardware to those still on the fence.”

    This. Looks like most people on my friends list have abandoned gaming altogether. Would be nice to see what they’re up to, have a look at their new spangly PS4 trophies torphies, etc… while I wait for there to be some games that I actually want to play on PS4 that aren’t also available on PS3.

    • Same as the guy above except I’ve got a PS4. :P

  6. I dont understand why they cant show someone who is playing a ps4 on ps3, yet the ps4 can show what everyone is playing.

    • I think it’s so the PS3 doesn’t get jealous of its big brother ;p

  7. I’m with everyone else – let us see who’s online on their PS4 from your PS3 friend list :-)

    The friend list on PS4 is one of the things that’s bugging me at the mo – we no longer get popups telling us when someone has logged on and it also doesn’t tell you when the person last logged on… :-( both of those id like to see on PS4. Maybe they’ve removed the logon alerts as it could drive those with 2000 friends batty lol. But give us the option!

    As a side note I’m really impressed with the “What’s New” section. I disabled its PS3 counterpart but I love this. Also like the fact that highlighting a game gives you your trophy stats for that game – no longer have to go to the trophy list and hunt for it :-)

  8. I wish they would issues a log of these “stability” fixes

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