Sony To Advertise Ratchet Heavily

MCV is reporting that SCEE are backing the new Ratchet game with a big old advertising campaign, with £1m earmarked for TV ads. The internet is awash with R&C videos that are whetting our appetite more comprehensively than the thought of Liverpool winning tomorrow’s derby. Well, alright not that much, but the videos are awesome. Sony’s Product Manager, Lucy Garnett:

One of the strongest aspects of Ratchet and Clank, has to be the quality of the visuals, and we wanted to showcase this in the TV ad, meaning it’ll be made up entirely of actual gameplay footage.

It’s true that the visual flair shown with the new game is perfect for a TV-ad campaign. Scheduled to kick-off on the 16th November, hopefully we won’t be waiting too long to play what could be the best looking game seen so far on PS3.