UK PSN Update 07/02/08

Today’s update brought a couple of demos, which aren’t much to scream about, Sky Diving the game, which is pretty good (graphics are gorgeous) and some other stuff – this game was released a month ago or so in Japan, and it’s already here…so why haven’t we got Pain yet!?

* Sky Diving (£3.50)
* Demos; Turok and Conflict: Denied Ops
* Motorstorm Addon – ‘Chinese New Year Gift’ (Free)
* Folklore Addon – ‘Malion Pack’ (Free)
* Lost Planet Trailer

Like the look of Lost Planet? Well there’s an online demo of it on the Japanese store, if you’d like to go over there and download it. It’s pretty good.

Ignore the last comment, the Lost Planet demo (which was on the Japanese and American PSN Stores) has now been taken down because there were serious problems with connecting and joining games. It’s being fixed as we speak and should be back up soon.

Update 2
If you downloaded the Lost Planet demo (from either US or JPN PSNs) before it was took down and didn’t delete it, you can now play it online, the bugs are (apparently) gone, it plays perfectly. If you didn’t get it before it was removed, you’ll have to wait, unfortunately. I gotta say, it is very, very good.