Microsoft say ‘No’ To Blu-Ray

Oh, Microsoft, you amuse us no end. Despite rumours recently that Microsoft were looking to the Blu-Ray Association in a desperate attempt to cling on to some kind of high-def media format this morning Aaron Greenberg, group product manager for Xbox 360 told Reuters that “Xbox is not currently in talks with Sony or the Blu-ray Association.” Sounds to us like they’re still holding on to the flawed Live delivery of streaming ‘HD’ movies – “We’re the only console offering digital distribution of entertainment content,” Greenberg said.

It’s NPD day again tomorrow in the States, which is when all the manufacturers get to find out how many consoles they’ve sold, and as you will know the PS3 outsold the 360 by a healthy margin last month. Greenberg, bless him, expects the same to happen this month too. “We definitely expect we will trail in February as a result of our supply constraints,” he said, adding: “By April, we will be in a very healthy inventory situation.”

That’ll be due to the recent price cuts, then, eh? Perhaps if they weren’t having to recycle so many broken machines they’d have more plastic to get into shops. “Our focus for 2008 is extending our lead against the PS3. That remains our focus, and we remain confident that we can do that. Whether it’s by installed base, games library or online community, when you add those things up, you’re going to see us continuing to grow, and leave Sony farther back in the rearview mirror.” Meow.